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The road to war

Published on Nov 19, 2015

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The road to war

Photo by WarzauWynn

The french and indian war

Photo by Corvair Owner

Washington travels by horse to tell French troops to leave. He is told "NO!", and returns on his journey home.

Photo by Brimley

Britain went to war with the French which lasted 9 years. It was known as the French and Indian war because the Indians helped the French.

Treaty of 1763- Britain regained land once owned by France since they lost the war.

Britain's decisions

Photo by sdhaddow

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Colonists had to pay taxes on imported sugar and molasses.

Stamp Act of 1765- Britain put taxes on 50 different items.

Patrick Henry

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Sons of Liberty formed in 1765

Boycott: When people refused to buy goods or products from Britain.

Repealed: To get rid of, or do away with an act or law. (Stamp Act repealed in 1766)

Delegates: Representatives of each colony.

Stamp Act Congress- Met to agree on the rights of colonist and asked Britain to repeal the Stamp Act.

Britain continues to tax

Photo by Werner Kunz

New taxes on tea, paper, lead, and paint passed in 1767.

Boston Massacre

Tea Act passed in 1773.

Photo by whitecat sg

Boston Tea Party

Intolerable Acts- Laws that Britain passed that trampled on the rights of colonist.

Colonist take action

First Continental Congress- Met in 1774 in Philadelphia to discuss complaints against Britain.

Militia: Citizens who volunteered to be part time soldiers.

Minutemen: Soldier's who were able to get ready and fight within a minutes notice.

Battle of Lexington in 1775. (The first battle of the Revolutionary War)

Battle of Concord in 1775.

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