Purpose The purpose of this article is to describe and to persuade. This article is describing skateboarding and how it may not be what you think, this describes it all to you. It's also persuading because some people think if you go to practice at a park and don't know anything you'll get made fun of. Actually it's quite the opposite they help you learn and no one judges you. The gender would more be turned to boy. This article would be more for 18 because it's not that interesting unless you love skateboarding.
Summary I bet if you didn't know much about skateboarding you would probably guess that it's only for drug taking boy teens. Well you got it all wrong if you think that. This is what this article is for if you are unfamiliar with skateboarding and its history you should read this one. This article describes how not only teens but also grow ups 30 - 80 still skateboard. At a skateboard park you'll find a plethora of personalities, so if you want to learn how to skateboard well go to a park. I promise you won't be judged.
In the eighties this sticker was popular. Skaters liked it because skateboarding is a crime. Skaters liked to skate in "no skate zones" they also would go in someone's empty pool and skate in there. They liked being cased by security guards because of the rush they get.
Rating I would rate this article a 5 It's sometimes interesting but it's easy just to look over with your eyes and most of the information I already knew. Some of the information I didn't know. But it was hard to read sometimes because they said random things then put a website.