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freak the mighty

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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freak the mighty

by Rodman Philbrick presented by: Chase Rabideau 

Freak was small but had a big brain. his personality is smart. and he was crippled

Beginning trait:
"I never had a brain until freak came along".His friend liked him for his intelligence. (23)

Middle trait:
He offers to lend me his dictionary, in case I want to try out any big words.offering to help his friend.

End trait:
"This squirt gun and chemistry set is what I got for Christmas".
Freak was smart enough to put acid in a squirt gun to save his friend.(56)


never give up even if your crippled

quote #1
"I'm robot man" (page 3)

explanation of quote

freak is basically a robot because how smart he is and hes crippled

quote #2

take any chances until you see the light 

explanation of quote

freak is smart 

quote #3

even though freak is crippled, he saved me (149)

explanation of quote

even though freak is crippled,he still saved his life

authors purpose

the authors purpose is to entertain the reader

authors POV
He is expressing that not all cripples are unintelligent most of them are smart

quotes that describe pov
there are no quotes but freak is a genius and he is crippled


  • this book is about freak, a crippled genius  
  • freak saves his friends life but ends up dying in the end
  • I don't know where this book takes place 
  • summer and winter
  • to express about cripples

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has this book been filmed into a movie

no it has not and it never will be