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shield volcanos

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Shield Volcanos

Photo by jonathanlevy

Size & Shape

  • shield volcanos are the largest volcanos on earth that actually look like volcanos
  • often measure up to 4 to 5 miles in diameter and 1500 to 2000 ft. in hight
Photo by brewbooks

Type of Magma/Viscosity

  • almost exclusively basaltic lava
  • has a very low viscosity
  • because of a low viscosity, it is a very runny, fluid lava
Photo by gnuckx

Eruption Style

  • Shield volcanoes have 2 types
  • Effusive eruptions are calm with steady lava flow
  • Fire Fountain eruptions where gas pressure is high
  • Fire Fountain style shoot out while effusive doesn't
Photo by VinothChandar

Real World Examples

  • Mauna Kea is a type of shield volcano, it is a dormant volcano on the island of Hawaii. Standing 13,803, it's peak is the highest point in Hawaii.
  • Erta Ale is a continuously active basaltic shield volcano in the Afar Region of Ethiopia, and it is the most active volcano there. Its elevation is at 2,011'. Its last eruption was in 2009.