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Born on May 3rd,1469 in Florence Italy. Machiavelli was a diplomat for 14 years in Italy. He wrote a book called "The Prince" a book on how to be a self serving, cunning, and reckless ruler.One of Machiavelli's quotes are "Science love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared then loved."
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The Renaissance

Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Born on May 3rd,1469 in Florence Italy. Machiavelli was a diplomat for 14 years in Italy. He wrote a book called "The Prince" a book on how to be a self serving, cunning, and reckless ruler.One of Machiavelli's quotes are "Science love and fear can hardly exist together, if we must choose between them, it is far safer to be feared then loved."
Photo by phil dokas


A monk named Martin Luther began to question the practices of the Catholic Church as he studied the Bible.He found many areas where he felt the Bible and the Catholic Church disagreed.On October 31, 1517 Luther took a list of 95 points he thought the Church had gone wrong and nailed it too the door of the Church.


Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543) learned the works of Peurbach and Regiomontanus in the undergraduate curriculum at the university of Cracow and then spent a decade studying in Italy.
Upon his return to Poland, he spent the rest of his life as a physician, lawyer, and church administrator. During his spare time he continued his research in astronomy.
Photo by Jason Riedy


Raphael was born in the Renaissance Italian city-state of Urbino in central Italy. Urbino was considered one of the cultural centers of Italy and a place where artists flourished. His father, Giovanni, was a painter and poet for the local Duke. As a young boy, Raphael learned the basics of painting from his father.
Photo by JustinMN