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The Behavior Intervention Team is a group of compassionate professionals on campus who are committed to helping make OU a safe, healthy place to study, work, and live.
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Published on Apr 22, 2016

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The Behavior Intervention Team is a group of compassionate professionals on campus who are committed to helping make OU a safe, healthy place to study, work, and live.

The University of Oklahoma

Of campus beautiful by day and night
We work, study, and live at this outstanding school in a remarkably beautiful setting. We are fortunate to call ourselves Sooners.


We find meaning and commonality through our rich campus traditions.


And our Sooner family exhibits enthusiasm, participation, and school spirit in our events and in our giving back to the community. (This is a picture from a recent CAC Soonerthon celebration.)

For most of us, OU is a fulfilling, positive, healthy experience. We enjoy a nurturing environment.

Some individuals need support.

However, some of our fellow students, faculty, and staff have much different experiences. They may need help. As Sooners, we need to look out for each other, listen, and care.

Behavior Intervention Team

safety  |  success
Today, we are here to share with you information about OU's Behavior Invention Team. We believe that together, we are making a difference in the lives of students, faculty, and staff at OU. We want you to know what we do, who we are, and how we can work together to promote (personal) wellness, (campus) safety, and (academic and professional) success.
Photo by gruntzooki

Centralized + Collaborative

The Behavior Intervention Team includes professionals from Student Affairs, Counseling, Housing, Law Enforcement, the Provost's Office, and International Student Services.

We coordinate resources to provide a centralized response to assist each individual reported to the team.

Through through outreach and early intervention, we also minimize risk in an effort to keep our OU community healthy and safe.

Again, to keep reporting consistent and connected, BIT serves as the university's centralized, cooperative reporting location for individuals of concern.
Photo by kevin dooley

YOU are also part of our team.

Be aware.  See it? Report it.
However, our success truly depends on you. There are 6 of us on the team, but you are on campus, in classes, in the dorms, at events. You work with individuals, you have friends and acquaintances. You are the eyes and the ears and the heart of this campus.

We are asking two things from you:

Recognize students who are struggling, and

Report if you notice someone in distress or behaving different from their "normal."

When someone
is struggling,
which direction to turn?

Care = Campus Resources
Crisis = 911/OUPD/988

Photo by marfis75

Campus Concerns

  • Violence
  • Suicide/suicidal thoughts
  • Sexual assault
  • Shooting
  • Depression
  • Isolation
  • Traumatic experiences
We have seen the news. We have heard the unfortunate, sometimes tragic stories. These situations are real, and they can and do happen everywhere. Even at OU. However, there are ways that we can help. There are things that each of us can do to effectively and powerfully promote safety, wellness, and success on this campus.

Photo by NS Newsflash

When do you contact  BIT?

Change |  Distress  |  Disruption
OK, so exactly when do you know it is time to contact BIT about someone you know and care about on campus?

There are some general types of behavior that we would like for you to report that may indicate concern about one's safety, level of distress, or potential for disruption:

1. Significant change in appearance, mood, or functioning;
2. Behavior that creates a hostile or disruptive environment;
3. Actions that potentially endanger the safety of any member of our OU community;
4. Behavior that significantly impacts one's ability to function appropriately and successfully on campus.
5. A sense that someone is struggling or that something is wrong.

How do you contact BIT?

online: ou.edu/normanbit
phone: 405.325.7700

emergencies: 911

There are several ways that you may reach the Behavior Intervention Team.

We have created an online report form. It is simple to use. Our preference is that your information be FACTUAL. Please report your observations, and refrain from offering judgments or diagnoses. If we have additional questions, we will be sure to contact you.

As well, we have a designated fax and phone line. They are available 24 hours a day.

However, we are NOT an emergency hotline. Please always call 911 in the event of an emergency.

Photo by benjaminreay

You report...
and you are done!

We seek ways to support the individual.

So, what happens when you make a report?

The report is dispersed to the BIT team.

From there, we determine the most appropriate, helpful action plan. There is nothing else required of you.

We care about the individual's wellness and success while maintaining campus safety, and our actions are carefully aligned with those goals.

Your report is essential to our mission.
Photo by Bram Naus

We collaborate and determine the next steps.

There are a variety of steps we may take. Each situation is individual and treated as such.

We may gather more information on the individual from you or others to whom they are connected on campus.

We may reach out and offer the individual supportive assistance.

We may help connect the individual to someone or a campus program specifically suited to meet the individual's need.
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

BIT goals:

Safety | Success
As a reminder, our goals are wellness, safety, and success. That is how we are all able to thrive at OU.

We want to communicate that BIT reports will not get a person in trouble. Actually, BIT reports let someone know that you care.

It is our experience that individuals respond quite positively when we reach out and let them know that someone cares about them and is concerned for them. It is a powerful message to offer on someone's behalf.

When you make a report, you are likely helping someone back onto the path of wellness, safety, and success.
Photo by Alan Cleaver

It's OUr family.
We are all in this together.

And as Sooners, as a family, that is what we do. We are here for each other. We are reminded that what affects one of us affects us all. We are asking you to partner in each other's wellness and success, and make caring a habit.

OU Behavior Intervention Team
See it? Report it.
Thank you.

Thank you for taking the time to understand more about BIT.

Please take a moment to jot down our online and phone information.

What questions or comments do you have?