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Geothermal Energy

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Geothermal Energy

By: Julius & Andrew

Geothermal energy is the energy or power that comes beneath the earth

It's made by heat that rises from beneath the earth and becomes steam

10 Advantages

  • Cost saves 80% over fossil fuels
  • Cleaning up power plants cost less
  • No pollution for a clean environment
  • When gases are released they are harmless
  • Doesn't take up a whole lot of room
  • Creates more jobs
  • Can't cause global warming
  • It's not affected by weather
  • Used as direct heat for homes
Photo by Olof S

10 Disadvantages

  • High Installation cost
  • Can run out of steam
  • Hard to transport to consumer
  • Poisonous gases can seep from beneath the earth and be released into the air
  • Only used in certain types of areas
  • When the steam is being pumped out of the ground, it could go right back into the earth
  • It can cause earthquakes
  • Doesn't produce as much of energy
  • Power plants are usually far away from the city

Geothermal Energy ranges from around $3,000-$4,000 per year for pipe installment

Photo by coffeego

Where It's Used

  • Kenya 11.2%
  • El Salvador 14%
  • Japan .3%
  • Iceland 30%
  • New Zealand 10%
  • Italy 10%
  • Mexico 3%
  • Indonesia 3.7%
  • The Philippines 27%
  • United States 0.3%
Photo by ToastyKen

Facts about Geothermal energy

  • It's been around for over 2,000 years (founded on Lisan Mountain in China)
  • The energy must be heated to at least 300°F
  • No fossil fuels are need to produce
  • Geothemal Energy at the moment is renewable, but if it becomes a permanent primary source could be gone
  • We can make our own by using EGS (Enhanced Geothermal System) technology
Photo by Karlbert

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