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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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By:Katelyn Petter
Photo by Serge Melki

USA:"In god we trust"
Belize:"Under shade I flourish"

Photo by rocor

Cultural traditions in Belize are, for Christmas they decorate a tree with fishing boats so fishers have luck. Some food they eat is Ovaltine, cocoa, and corn. Having breakfast is called "drinking tea"

Photo by ugod

Important people
Queen Elizabeth(she is not in Belize but she is the Queen of it), Marion Jones(gold medalist), Sir. Colville Young(Chief executive)

Photo by Jayembee69

The Geographic Features Belize has are the
Maya Mountains.

900-1500 AD
Herrian Cortes first came as the first minority.
The first British Buccaneers began to settle

In the1720s
The first African slaves were recorded.

The Government they have is
Parliamentary Democracy

11.3% unemployment for 2012
13.1% unemployment for 2009
GDP: 1.448 billion(highest its ever been)

Photo by Ed Yourdon

Tourist attraction, healthy lifestyle(for the most part)
High deforestation rate, rapid coastal development, more poverty than the US.

Would I move their?
I would immigrate to the US from Belize because I have a higher risk of being shot and they have worse conditions than US and the US has equil rights.

Photo by Werner Kunz


Photo by SanforaQ8