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Slide Notes

Behind this food truck was the promise of funding which came through...

Leading to more than 50 people from Crossroads spending almost an entire day helping with the distribution process

Led by Pastor Sue and Pastor John

Helping 228 different family units of varioius kinds

Representing 753 people

Praise the Lord for His provision and thank you for your help

Today we want to spend some time on another promsie that we know about.....the promise Jesus made regarding our salvation


Published on Nov 18, 2015

No Description


We Promised

  • A tractor trailer full of food
  • 228 family units came through
  • Representing 753 people
  • Thank you
Behind this food truck was the promise of funding which came through...

Leading to more than 50 people from Crossroads spending almost an entire day helping with the distribution process

Led by Pastor Sue and Pastor John

Helping 228 different family units of varioius kinds

Representing 753 people

Praise the Lord for His provision and thank you for your help

Today we want to spend some time on another promsie that we know about.....the promise Jesus made regarding our salvation
Photo by RyanP77


Building a Bridge of Trust
One who stands in between two enemies, putting himself at risk

One who is trusted by both sides to work for a solution

One who builds a bridge of reconciliation
Photo by blavandmaster


Jesus Paid the Price
Paid the asking price that would secure our salvation

Rescue from condemnation

Satisfied the one who needed to be paid

Photo by 401(K) 2013


Jesus died in our place
He took our place

He substituted his life for ours

This picture is taken from the United States military cemetery in Luxumborg. Sharon and I had the privilege of seeing this actual site, viewing Patton's grave......

The visual impact of all these crosses, the sacrifice of those who died to stop the tyranny of Nazi Germany......it is pretty amazing.....

Photo by victor408


Delivering Deliverance
Jesus will return

He is coming back to bring salvation to us, to finish the work he started

To redeem us

To defeat death and Satan

To reclaim and renew the earth

To give us a place to enjoy his presence forever


Recieve the Promise

The promise is actually delivered to us......

From the flight

To the truck

To our doorstep....
Photo by Toban B.

The Promise

  • Set free
  • Cleansed
  • Sins taken away
  • Coming back
Set free - like unchained, untied, released from being bound up

Cleansed - vs. 22
having the stains removed

a fresh start

to have the crud washed out and no longer there to gum up the works....like hosing down the truck after being in the mud...

forgiveness - to have something released, to let it go

remember no more - to rehearse in your mind, bring it up in front of the offender, nor talk to anyone else about it

Take away our sins

he suffered so we don't have to
died once for all so we don't have to die for our sins

we do face physical death, but we are only destined to die once, if we die twice, tha tis our decision

Jesus shed his own blood for us, our blood is not needed

Coming back -

bringing salvation to those who wait for him vs. 28

a confident expectation sometimes called the Blessed Hope


Untitled Slide

  • Trust 
  • Relax
  • Release
  • Wait

Jesus is our go between, and still sits in the power seat acting as our attorney before the Father

He is trustworthy


The bill is paid

The burden of debt - a pressure we are all familiar with, has been taken away

Sense of relief when you no longer have to make "the payments"

Release -

Let the need to somehow pay the bill yourself, punish yourself, carry false guilt around......

Let the backpack of sin go, take it off

The times when you have missed the target, things did not end up the way you had hoped

When you stepped over the line, still can't believe you did that...stop the recording of your failure ....and delete it....


Live in freedom today with tomorrow in mind

Romans 8:23-25

James 5:7

Philippians 3:20
Photo by arbyreed

Our citizenship is in heaven and we eagerly await a Savior from there, The Lord Jesus Christ.

Philippians 3:20

Be patient then, brothers, until the Lord's coming. See how the farmer waits....

James 5:7

...we eagerly await our adoption....But if we hope for what we do not yet have we wait for it patiently

Romans 8:23-25

Michael Cadrette

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