The Promise
- Set free
- Cleansed
- Sins taken away
- Coming back
Set free - like unchained, untied, released from being bound up
Cleansed - vs. 22
having the stains removed
a fresh start
to have the crud washed out and no longer there to gum up the hosing down the truck after being in the mud...
forgiveness - to have something released, to let it go
remember no more - to rehearse in your mind, bring it up in front of the offender, nor talk to anyone else about it
Take away our sins
he suffered so we don't have to
died once for all so we don't have to die for our sins
we do face physical death, but we are only destined to die once, if we die twice, tha tis our decision
Jesus shed his own blood for us, our blood is not needed
Coming back -
bringing salvation to those who wait for him vs. 28
a confident expectation sometimes called the Blessed Hope