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Published on Mar 21, 2016

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BY: Patton Samuels
A relationship between two organisms that lasts over time.

Photo by wwarby


  • A relationship between two types of organisms that benefits both.
  • Protozoa and termites
  • Sea anemones and clownfish
  • Sider crab and algae
Photo by fabiogis50


  • An intimate association between organisms of two or more kinds
  • Tick and human
  • Fleas and dogs
  • Chiggers and humans
Photo by robives


  • A relationship between two kinds of organisms in which one obtains
  • Food or other benefits from the other without damage or benefiting
  • Tree frog- the frog uses plants or trees for protection from the rain
  • Mites- mites will attach to wasps, flies, or beatles for transportation
  • Atlantic puffins- these puffins use burrows for nesting that were made by rabbits
Photo by Anita363