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Colonial Presentation

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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In 1584 the first to colonize in North Carolina was the English, but soon after, the area was mysteriously abandoned when the supply ship came in 1591, and the fate of this "Lost Colony" was never discovered. In 1653, 8 nobles from Virginia settled in the area south of them. The land the Virginians settled in was Carolina.

These 8 nobles whom founded North Carolina were ordered by King Charles II to settle in the area below Virginia. In 1729 this area would be divided into two and be named North Carolina. Their goal was to plan a utopian government based on the Constitution written by John Locke.

North Carolina settlers were people from England. The eight nobles paid for these colonists' voyage. Quakers were some of the first settlers to move to North Carolina, because the colony had established religious freedom as early as 1672.

When the settlers arrived in North Carolina, they were pleased to see that the soil and climate was perfect for agriculture. Located midway in the Northern Hemishpere, North Carolina the average rainfall is 53 inches per year. This state is currently filled with mountains, rivers, and a coastal plain, and just by looking at pictures, I can tell that it is beautiful.

The economy in North Carolina was based around the idea of agriculture. There wasn't a lot of trade going on in North Carolina, but there was a lot of slavery. About one third of the population were African American. These slaves were working on cotton fields and harvesting tobacco which were some cash crops grown in North Carolina.

Photo by rante_i

There was no specific dominate religion in North Carolina, partially because most people's top concern was agriculture and not religion. This is one of the reasons why many colonists came; there was religious freedom. Any religion was welcomed in North Carolina from Baptists to Anglicans and others, but there was a church there called the Church of England.

North Carolina and South Carolina became two royal colonies when they separated in 1729. Inland farmers were not able to pay their taxes at times, and most we're forced to sell their properties. Also, local sheriffs would sometimes keep the taxes for their own gain or be charged twice for the same tax. As of the early 1660's, people whom lived in North Carolina disliked taxes until King Charles encouraged the nobles to have the colonists pay more of them.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Works Cited
"13 Colonies – North Carolina Colony for Kids." MrNussbaumcom A FREE Learning World for Kids Teachers and Parents 13 Colonies North Carolina Colony for Kids Comments. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"North Carolina." - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"North Carolina Colony." ***. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"North Carolina." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.
"Province of North Carolina." - Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. N.p., n.d. Web. 15 Sept. 2014.