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Vocabulary Unit 13

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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  • (N.) a strong dislike, a hostile feeling
  • Synonyms- hostility, enmity, aversion, bad blood
  • Antonyms- attraction, appeal, allure, sympathy
  • People who don't enjoy reading often feel antipathy towards difficult passages.
Photo by SarahDeer


  • (Adj.) capable of being applied, relevant, suitable
  • Synonyms- appropriate, fit, apt, apposite
  • Antonyms- inappropriate, unsuitable, irrelevant
  • The tire was applicable to the car due to its correct diameter.
Photo by kenteegardin


  • (N.) something of value, a resource, an advantage
  • Synonyms- property, holding, endowment
  • Antonyms- drawback, handicap, liability
  • The last asset in the lawyer's attempt to prove him guilty was the photos of the dead body.


  • (V.) to attack from all sides, to surround, hem in. (Adj., Part.) harassed, troubles, studded
  • Synonyms-(v.) assail, harass, badger, pester, torment
  • During World War II, the allies beset the Germans in their own country.


  • (N.) sympathy for another's suffering, pity
  • Synonyms- concern, commiseration, empathy
  • Antonyms- indifference, callousness, heartlessness
  • The man felt compassion for his friend whose mother just passed away.


  • (N.) proper behavior, good taste, orderliness
  • Synonyms- seemliness, good form, propriety
  • Antonyms- impropriety, bad form, bad taste
  • The reason for a student handbook is so that all students show decorum.
Photo by James F Clay


  • (N.) compulsion by threat, forcible confinement
  • Synonyms- Intimidation, coercion
  • Antonyms- persuasion, coaxing
  • After the attack on Pearl Harbor, the government put duress on Japanese Americans.
Photo by Thomas Hawk


  • (Adj.) high spirited, enthusiastic, unrestrained, excessive, abundant
  • Synonyms- lively, ebullient, irrepressible, lavish
  • Antonyms- depressed, despondent, sulky, restrained
  • The exuberant dog barked wildly when his owner asked if he wanted to go on a walk.


  • (N.) an exact copy
  • Synonyms- replica, duplicate, clone
  • Antonyms- variation, modification, permutation
  • There are many facsimiles of religious books of worship around the world.
Photo by dzaks


  • (V.)to drink, take in, absorb
  • Synonyms- swallow, gulp, quaff, digest
  • Antonyms- eject, emit, expel, discharge
  • Some find it easier than others to imbibe what they hear in school.
Photo by fPat


  • (Adj.) not to be satisfied or pacified, unyielding
  • Synonyms- relentless, inexorable, unappeasable
  • Antonyms- lenient, indulgent, permissive, flexible
  • Most communist leaders in the 1900's were implacable, because they didn't budge from power for years.


  • (Adj.) so small as to be immeasurable, minute
  • Synonyms- tiny, minuscule
  • Antonyms- vast, immense, huge, infinite
  • The infinitesimal crack in his windshield kept getting larger and larger each day.


  • (Adj.) harmless, inoffensive, insignificant
  • Synonyms- feeble, impotent, unobjectionable, insipid
  • Antonyms- harmful, dangerous, pernicious, toxic, virulent
  • The innocuous fly was annoyingly buzzing around my kitchen
Photo by jpctalbot


  • (V.) to have effect or force on or against someone or something, fight against
  • Synonyms- counter, oppose, work against
  • People who only play video games militate against any sort of strenuous activity.
Photo by fPat


  • (N.) exclusive rights over an invention, copyright (v.) to arrange or obtain such rights (adj.) plain, open to view, copyrighted
  • Synonyms- (n.) exclusive license (adj.) evident
  • Antonyms- (adj.) concealed, hidden, secret
  • Many lawsuits are created each year due to people using patented items without the creator's consent.
Photo by RLHyde


  • (N.) distinguished bravery, superior skill or ability
  • Synonyms- valor, courage, heroism, mastery, proficiency
  • Antonyms- cowardice, incompetence, ineptitude
  • The student with low grades had a surprising prowess in chemistry class.
Photo by Ruben Bos


  • (Adj.) quiet, settled, sober (v.) to administer a tranquilizer
  • Synonyms- (adj.) unruffled, composed, cool and collected
  • Antonyms- (adj.) loud, brash, flashy, flamboyant, garish, flighty
  • The house seemed sedate after all of its inhabitants fell asleep.


  • (Adj.) extremely loud
  • Synonyms- thundering, deafening, earsplitting
  • Antonyms- hushed, inaudible, whispered, mute
  • Some teachers usually catch me off guard by their stentorian voices echoing throughout the room.
Photo by Artiii


  • (V.) to arrange specifically, to require as a condition of agreement
  • Synonyms- specify, contract, provide for
  • Banks stipulate that all angles of all rooms be watched at all times.
Photo by NobMouse


  • (N.) a final proposal or statement of conditions
  • Synonyms- final terms
  • My teacher offered me the ultimatum that I take the half credit or no credit.
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