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Name and school- 1 thing hoping to get out of day
Introduce coaches
Different needs from gr.1 to high school
Ask questions as needed
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Published on Mar 18, 2016

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Leveled Literacy Intervention in GSSD

Name and school- 1 thing hoping to get out of day
Introduce coaches
Different needs from gr.1 to high school
Ask questions as needed


Photo by stephg67

Learning Targets

  • Gain a deeper understanding of how and when to provide literacy intervention
  • Explore LLI and develop skills in order to teach it
  • Gain Perspective on LLI in GSSD
Photo by cliff1066™

Who What Why LLI?

**Explain tabbing of sections
Section on Who What Why LLI?- Say Something activity to build background knowledge

Highlight 20 Key Characteristics of Effective Literacy Intervention
Sask Reads- build common language around the Tiers of intervention
Something confirmed, something new, something to question
Photo by Orin Zebest


Many components to the how
Components of lesson
On-going assessment
LLI school teams
classroom and home school connection
Will go through each one


Training in GSSD
1 day inservice followed by model lessons and self-assessment/observation
include self-assessments and observation pages
See training section under How?

See me at break to book/confirm gradual release


Speak to Environment section
Have them make list of what to look for or purchase

LLI Systems
Primary and Intermediate

What's inside?
Go through all components and where to find blackline masters
Look at intermediate boxes and lending procedures
Primary different school set- ups
Go to resource repository
Speak to videos of each lesson section on PD cds- also in system guide
When you need more- contact LLI coach


Confirm Gradual Release

Lesson Structures

Provide an odd and even lesson from primary green system and red intermediate system. If you are doing both might want to compare. We will go through each section. Use as reference as we go through lessons
Go through lesson structure for your applicable system
Show videos of primary- re-read, word study and beginning of writing. What behaviours do you notice?
Videos from intermediate for new lesson and learning target (Partners- 1 behaviours of student, other behaviours of interventionist)
Writing- speak to who holds the pen and person doing the most work does the most learning
***Add writing video

"People who, for one reason or another misapprehend the reading process and have not put the reading system together that adds up to meaning; these are struggling readers."

Randy Bomer and Katherine Bomer, For a Better World: Reading and Writing For Social Action

Marie Clay said only 20 percent of readers are struggling. These students will not build networks unless you teach for strategies. 80 percent of students will learn to read no matter what program is used. Our struggling readers need explicit instruction, prompting and feedback...Meaning at forefront.


Go to Assessment section
3 key pieces to assessment
Reading Records- provide data
Anecdotal handouts- daily
Feedback- how to make it effective

Digging Deeper

speak to why we need more information
Indviduals who are struggling with reading need to find out more about their reading behaviours
Video Gold System- explaining MSV
Go over GSSD MSV doc

MSV- Under Scoring and Analyzing
Errors- up to 8minutes
Self-Corrects 11:50-15:46
Case Practice up to 4:46 then practice MSV (also score Fluency)
Discuss with eye contact partner


Photo by Vox Efx

Now What?

One aha or new learning to start off after lunch

Analyzing errors to look for patterns and themes that are noticed.

Highlight GSSD Now What and prompting guide


Read notes on judgement vs. feedback How will the prompting help with this?

"The purpose of feedback is to improve conceptual understanding or increase strategic options while developing stamina, resilience, and motivation-expanding the vision of what is possible and how to get there. Perhaps we should call it feedforward rather than feedback."

P. Johnston
Opening Minds p. 48
Focus on feedback and how we listen and respond to our struggling readers. This is where the power is.

Could use a portion of "Are you Rescuing or Scaffolding?'
Photo by Cle0patra

Look through Prompting Guide for Ideas For:

  • a student using meaning most of time
  • seldom self-corrects
  • sometimes uses word solving strategies
Look through Prompting Guide 1 for more ideas
Teach Prompt Reinforce
See prompts
Highlight record keeping page in binder
sticky notes
Photo by John-Morgan

Sometimes programs, innovations and techniques work with some struggling readers. At other times, the same things don't work. What makes the difference? Teachers do.

Differentiation and responding to the needs of each individual reader. If in LLI especially intermediate may have developed behaviours, coping mechanisms.
Pretend reading, behaviours such as refusal, etc.
Photo by cybrarian77


Role of fluency
Watch video (case study) 6:29-8:21
If fluency is getting in the way of meaning. Might need to re-read independent text with specific feedback
Chapter 7 in Struggling Readers
Read and Share
Pgs. 91 -96 Partners read a page and share a connection or key point.
Point out Six Dimensions of Fluency (fluency is not just rate)and if they are looking for info. on where the student is struggling look at scale.
Also point out prompts and strategies can be found in Prompting Guide 1 and (Miscue Analysis...Now What?)
Photo by Ken Whytock

Creating Active Readers

  • use visual cues
  • give wait time for problem solving
  • accept approximations
  • understand heavy and light prompts
  • be aware of language we use
  • keep meaning front and center

Pat Johnson Catching Readers...November 18, 2015

Spotlight on Reading

Dig into the components of reading- decoding, fluency and comprehension conversation


Get information from Guiding Readers by Lori Rog about not jumping in and reading for them-
Read, highlight- use coding system: Aha (!), confirmation (Checkmark), question(?)
All 1-3 teachers have this book
***Key points- LLI is a form of guided practice.
Letting students make mistake and attempt to self correct.
Prompt vs. telling
Does that make sense? sound right? look right?
Students doing most of the work.
Specific feedback


Sign out LLI boxes

Comprehension Conversations

Do a comprehension conversation- most subjective
5 min video blurb on Comp. Convo
Follow up from Nathan 8:27 until end
1 partner notice what student is doing, 1 teacher
Score and discuss

Now What...Again

Look at lesson 175
Yesterday's text. You are given answers but not questions.

With a partner develop the questions you would ask to elicit deeper understanding using the prompting guide 2 and GSSD document
Resources to teach comprehension strategies Comprehension Shouldn't be silents (grades 5-6), Reading Power (3 and 4) and Struggling Readers

LLI School Teams

GSSD Expectations and Procedures
see GSSD section of handbook
Look at referrals and tracking forms on CLevr

Classroom Connections

Under HOW
Critical to student success
How to work as a team and communicate
Come view a lesson
Sharing specific goals
See communication sheet
Sisters pensieve if classroom teacher is using specific workshop such as daily five

Photo by whatmattdoes

Home and School

Under How
speak to homework component and getting parents on board
Homework about re-reading
Differences between primary and intermediate

Spotlight on Writing

Regie Routman- who is holding the pen
Direct = modelled (teacher with pen)
Interactive = shared ( teacher with student)
Independent = independent (student)
3 types direct, interactive shared and independent-
Read over materials- What area are you most comfortable with? Go to handout to find out more information on one section
Good videos to show difference
Photo by Klardrommar


Review CLEVR. Referral and Tracking process. Use "Tracking Cheat Sheet."
Photo by ericnvntr


Need pic of Adrienne Gear books
Review some of resources highlighted
When Readers Struggle
Struggling Readers
Prompting Guides
System Guides
Photo by Yvesanemone


2 stars and a wish
Photo by TempusVolat