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Published on Nov 25, 2015

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 Evaluate the impact of Islamic trading on their society and economy

New Cultures

  • Trade routes introduced new cultures to the islamic people.
  • People of other religions were coming into the area for economic reasons.
  • Tolerance was developed through this.

Profitable Economy

  • Trading allowed their economy to become very profitable.
  • New, needed items were brought in through trade.
  • You had more variety within the economy and market.
Photo by @Doug88888

New Goods

  • Culture was introduced to new goods.
  • Spices and silk were brought in.
  • Places like China, India, and Africa were the main traders.

Spreading of Islam

  • Not only did new religions come into the Islam region.
  • The Islam religion spread to several places.
  • Islam was spread to Africa a lot.
Photo by *Muhammad*

Greater Profits

  • Trading allowed for people to make more profit off of their goods.
  • Things from other areas were in higher demand,  higher profits came with.
Photo by ecstaticist

More Crime

  • Trading also generated more crime within islam’s social structure.
  • Poor villagers would raid trade caravans in order to gain a profit. 
Photo by gtall1