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Dolores Hope

Published on Nov 23, 2015

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Dolores Hope

By: Roberto Diaz

Dolores' Life

  • She grew up in the Bronx neighborhood of New York
  • At an early age, she knew wanted to become a singer
  • She started a career in acting before making her decision to start singing
  • Her agent told her to change her name to "Dolores Reade" 
  • Her pseudonym "Dolores Reade" was after the Broadway actress Florence Read 
Photo by chiaralily

Dolores' Life contd.

  • She began her singing career in The New York Night Club Circuit
  • She met Bob Hope in 1933 after a performance at the Vogue
  • After their engagement, they toured the United States together
  • To care for their children, Dolores ended her musical career
  • During the 1940s, She and Bob entertained troops abroad
Photo by chiaralily

Dolores' Death and Philanthropy

  • Dolores Hope died on September 19, 2011
  • She dies of natural causes in her home in Toluca Lake, CA at the age of 102
  • She and Bob Hope donated 80 acres of land to the Eisenhower Medical Center
  • They have established many organizations that help benefit poor
  • Her work with the poor will forever be remembered by those she helped
Photo by chiaralily


  • Isaiah was a prophet around the 8th century BC 
  • He received a vision from God calling him to his prophetic ministry 
  • He prophesized for 64 years during the reigns of a few Jewish Kings
  • Isaiah was alive during the Assyrian invasion of Israel
  • Isaiah had a gift of wonder-working and healed many

Isaiah's Death and Charity

  • Isaiah died a martyr's death
  • By order of the Jewish king he was sawn through by a saw.
  • He devoted his time on Earth to help others and to serve the Lord
  • He helped the poor and healed the sick. He was truly a great inspiration
  • His prophetic lifestyle changed lives whilst carrying out God's will
Photo by Pax Christi


  • Isaiah was chosen by God to be a prophet
  • Dolores was the one who stood up and said "Here I am, send me"
  • They both spent their time helping the poor and thise in need
Photo by chiaralily