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Published on Mar 18, 2016

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  • Neptune is the furthest planet from the sun.
  • It is one of the outer planets because it is located outside the asteroid belt.

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  • It takes my planet 164.79 Earth years to orbit the sun.
  • Neptune has a stronger gravity than Earth.
Photo by tonynetone

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  • Neptune was named after the Roman god of the sea.

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  • Neptune is very cold. It is -353 degrees Fahrenheit and -218 degrees celsius.
  • Neptune has 8 moons orbiting around it.
  • Neptune's moons are Naiad, Thalassa, Despina, Galatea, Larissa, Proteus, Triton and Neveid.
Photo by markkilner

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  • Neptune can not be seen at night with a telescope.
  • Neptune is made of mostly gas.
  • Neptune does have clouds.
  • Neptune has rings around it.
  • Neptune is larger than Earth.
Photo by Jim Barter

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  • The name of the satellite that explored Neptune was Voyager 2. The year was 1989.


  • Neptune has only been visited by one spacecraft, Voyager in 1989.
  • The Voyager 2 spacecraft found Neptune had a dark area of violently swirling gas that resembled a hurricane.
  • Neptune is about 30 times as far from the sun as Earth is.
  • Neptune's axis is not perpendicular (at the right angle) to the planet's path around the sun.
  • Neptune's largest satellite is about 1,700 miles (2,700 kilometers) in diameter.