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India Enters Mars Orbit

Published on Dec 08, 2015

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India Enters Mars Orbit

This show will teach you about India's accomplishment.
By: Isabella, Gigi, Julia, Meredith, Daniel.

Photo by SEDACMaps


  • Mars is known for its volcano Olympus Mons.
  • Olympus Mon stands at 26 kilometers above the plains.
  • Mount Everest is only 1/3 of that size.
  • Mars has many impact craters.
  • Mars has a reddish orange color caused by the iron rich minerals in its soil.
Photo by DonkeyHotey

1. Why did India's expedition to Mars cost so much less?

2. What attempt number to Mars was it for India?

Photo by ultraBobban

In India, they sent out a rocket November 5th 2013 and it just recently reached the orbit of Mars. Narendra modi the prime minister of India was happy with their achievement of reaching it to the orbit. The spacecraft had to travel 650 kilometers to reach the orbit. You are probably wondering why they set out the rocket in the first place.

Yeah, it would be cool to reach Mars but India really sent out a rocket in hopes it will allow them to join an elite group of space explorers to Mars. The Mars mission cost 73 million dollars. That might seem like a lot but it is nothing compared to the 600 million dollars the U.S spent on their mission


  • Geography- The space ship was launched from India to Mars. In India to
  • Mars. In India there are rivers, hills, plains, beaches, deltas and desserts.
  • On Mars the geography is a little different. On Mars there are ice capes, vol
  • canoes, canyons, and plains. One thing Mars and India both have in co-
  • mmon is they both have plains.

Achievement- India launching the spaceship was a very big achievement for India because it is very impressive to reach the orbit of Mars and they spent less money than the U.S.A. The U.S.A spent $637 million, India spent $74 million dollars.

Photo by Dreemreeper

Social Systems- People were upset because many think that the money could have been spent some where else. For example, some people in India do not have indoor plumbing or even a toilet for a matter of fact. Most people think the money should have been spent on toilets.

Photo by fractalSpawn

Politics- India has made significant progress in its space department. Meanwhile, the United States has practically shut down NASA. For example, India's Mars Orbiter Mission cost $26 million dollars less than the movie Gravity. This proves that America spends more money on less important matters.

Photo by sapru

This is important because study on Mars will help us understand the what the planet was like and if it used to be able to sustain life.


  • Positive: this feat allows astronomers to get a better pi
  • cture of the enviroment around the Earth.
  • The information the gather from getting in orbit can help them focuse on
  • landing on Mars
Photo by myyorgda


  • Negatives: the expidition cost around 75 million dollars.
  • India thinks the money could have been spent on
  • other useful things.
  • According to BBC news "45 million people
  • still live without electricity and 600 million live without access to toilets."
Photo by Athena's Pix

In conclusion, these are some amazing things about India's trip to Mars that we hope you enjoyed learning about.

Photo by Freimut


  • Connections Julia Renetzky
  • Synthesizer Isabella White
  • Summarizer Meredith Brienen
  • Graphic Organizer Daniel Langlois
  • Geographer Gigi Gianni