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Published on Nov 22, 2015

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Photo by blmiers2

Dear Mr.Turner
The 7th graders should go to LLELA because, the traffic in the halls would drastically go down. Also, the custodian would not have to pick up after B lunch. We would learn hands on experience at LLELA, and learn more respect for nature. The kids would also get exercise. And teachers would have more time to work.

Photo by knittymarie


  • At Ritter cemetery, you have to be a Ritter to be buried there.
  • The first person to be buried was Elizabeth Ann Ritter.
  • The youngest was baby Bays, and he was buried on the same day he was born


  • I noticed that some plants pn the bottom of the forest floor
  • Had larger or cup shaped leaves to catch more rain water.
  • Because the trees would catch more water, the plants
  • below them would have to learn to catch more water.


  • I noticed that there was some erosion on the river bed as shown here.

Eco zones
Marsh. The marsh had many biotic factors such as lilly pads, grass, and other plants.
Deciduous forest. The forest had biotic factors such as trees, bush, the occasional snake, squirrels,and many other plants and animals. The biotic factors were mainly rocks.
Grasslands. The grasslands mainly had grass (duh). There were a few trees, and the occasional stone


  • The job for the materials manager was to find the dissolved oxygen for each pond
  • The DO(dissolved oxygen)for pond 30 was 7%
  • The DO for pond 31 was 6%


  • The adaptations that i saw were:
  • A snake in the water because it mightw be eaisier to catch food,
  • or it might be too hot on the ground.
  • There was a bee taking some pollen from a flower. it might have adapted to tell the
  • Difference between flowers that have bloomed, and those that haven't .


  • Am example of decomposition i saw was some
  • fungus on a rotting tree.