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Published on Feb 04, 2016

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The smoking of tobacco has over many years affected the lives of millions of people who have developed serious forms of illness as a result of inhaling toxic chemicals on to their bodies many people die early due to cancers, lung disease, heart failure etc...this creates a horrific cost to their families and the community, as well as the financial costs related to the"smoking addiction". As part of this report 13-14 year old students were asked to respond to the following questions.

How do you feel when looking at these photos?

What diseases are you aware of that are related to smoking?

Would you ever smoke after seeing such images?

Would you quit smoking?

If a friend offered you a smoke would you have a smoke?

How do feel when looking at these photos?
Savo: gross
Ben: disturbing

What diseases are you aware of that are related to smoking?
Jarad: cancer
Chris: lung infections
Savo: cancer
Ben: lung infections

Would you ever smoke after seeing such images?
Jarad: nope never ever ever
Chris: no
Savo: no

Would you quit smoking?
Jarad: yes
Chris: yes
Savo: yes
Ben: yes

If a friend offered you a smoke would you have a smoke?
Jarad: nope I would not never ever ever
Chris: no
Savo: no
Ben: no