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Published on Feb 05, 2016

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Using Suspense
Definition: when you give your audience something to wait for

  • Gives hints and clues, but not all info...
  • Answer throughout
  • Tease the audience
  • Be sure to give all info by the end
  • Cliffhangers

Facts and stats
Definition: facts validate what you say or write and stats= statistics

Photo by bump

Mottos and mantras
Definition: words to live by!

Photo by JefferyTurner

Definition: make language flow

Photo by jjjj56cp

Thank you statement
Definition: thank people because people like to be appreciated

Appeal to self-interest of audience
Definition: talking directly to people in the audience and using "you"

Photo by DonkeyHotey

Summarizing main points
Definition: the major and essential points

Visual aids
Definition: eye catchers, and enchanted, emphasize

Asking questions
Definition: getting audience thinking and engaged

Photo by Derek Bridges

Code switching
definition: change the way you speak or write depending where you are and who you are with

Photo by coffeego

Using suspense
Definition: giving hints and clues but not all info

Photo by Freddie Peña

Using stories
Definition: anecdotes

Photo by Andi Licious

"Using Quotations"
Definition: quote the words of others

Photo by Shari Alisha

Background information
Definition: the history, scoop and getting familiar with topic

Song lyrics and poetic devices Definition: quote of song or using rhyme rhythm

Reference to an occasion event or time Definition: holidays or birthdays or events

Photo by Nanagyei

Issuing a challenger call to action Definition: challenge people, call them to action!

Photo by włodi