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Slide Notes

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David Brandt

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Photo by Jasen Miller


  • My favorite food is steak
  • My least favorite food is asparagus
  • My favorite subject is science
  • My least favorite subject is math
  • I like to play minecraft outside of school
  • I have one brother and one sister
  • I like turtles
Photo by johnporcaro

A rainbow... is softer than snow because it is magically enchanted by a unicorn. snow is just plain old stupid frozen water.

Going to sleep is louder than waking up, because your ears are more used to louder noises, so they seem quite, but if you wake up and listen to the same things at the same volume, they will seem extremely loud.

Photo by WilliamMarlow

Gossip is faster than a horse race, because the speed of sound is about 100 times faster than a horse.

Photo by P^2 - Paul

A chair is faster than a table, because they are thinner and lighter than a table is.

Photo by sandro_master

A feather is lighter than a whisper, because a whisper can hurt people, and a knife can hurt people, and a knife can draw blood, and blood is heavier than a feather.

Photo by ISOtob

A smile is stronger than a tear because a smile could whoop a tears butt, because happiness always wins...

Photo by kevin dooley

The single celled amoeba is the dump truck of the animal kingdom because no one cares about it.

A banana is like winter because they are both way too long.

Photo by Nasos3

A giraffe is like a lawn mower which cuts grass, and giraffes cut leaves with their teeth.

Photo by nes☆

A paper clip is like an ant because paper clips are made out of metal and bone is stronger that metal, but ants don't have bones, they have an exoskeleton, which is very strong, like wood which is hard, and bones are hard and durable, and metal is durable. That's why paper clips are like ants.

A vacuum is like a black hole because you're not getting anything back that gets sucked into one.

A marshmallow Is 8 o'clock because, if you eat 8 of them you will pass out, till 8 am and that's 12 hours away from 8 pm, and half of 8 is 4, and 4 is a multiple of 12, and 12 (hours) after 8 am would be 8 pm.

Photo by ginnerobot

My biggest dream for my life would be to own a corvette, because they are my favorite car. I would work and do all I can to get extra money so I could buy one. (ZR1 Corvette)