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Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Geology (Fossils)

By:Grant Cohen

Relative Dating

You Compare if it is older or younger rock

Absolute Dating

An absolute answer on how old the rock is

What Can a Fossil tell us

Fossils can tell us many things How earth was years ago and extinct speicies.

Law of Suporstition

How old a rock is in order the older the deeper the rock is
It is like a painting paint has to dry before you add more.


A fossil is once a living organism preserved

Fossil Example

Here is a fossil of a Palm tree found in Canada
Palm trees are not found in cold climates like Canada it shows the climate change and how the Earth was Billions of years ago.

Here is another Fossil

Fossils form in watery areas this is a fossil of a shark tooth found in MN

How do Fossils Form?

They form in a few ways compacting and cementing by sediment/imprints