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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Test of Written Language
Photo by schmorgie13

The TOWL-4 is used to identify students that demonstrate problems in writing and the degree of the problem.

Age Range: 9:0 - 17:11 years

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Testing Procedure

  • Be familiar with the content and test material.
  • Practice scoring sample stories.
  • Follow instructions in the manual.
  • Practice administering the test.
  • Test in an environment free from distractions

Procedures Cont...

  • Build rapport with student and explain the purpose of the test.
  • Be aware of student fatigue.
  • Praise and encourage but avoid prompting.

Subtests 1-5 use contrived formats; subtests 6-7 use a spontaneously written story to assess important aspects of language. The aspects include...

Important Aspects of Writing

  • Vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Punctuation
  • Logical Sentences
  • Sentence Combining
  • Conventions
  • Story Composition

No set time limit but generally takes 60-90 minutes to administer and score. Most students will complete the test in one session.

Photo by JL!

Results are documented on the Story Scoring Form and consist of seven sections.

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Section 1-Identifying Information, demographic information of the student and examiners basic information.

Section 2-Subtest Performance, all raw scores for each sub test are recorded and then converted

Section 3-Composite Performance, from contrived writing, spontaneous and overall writing.

Section 4-Descriptive Terms, the scaled scores and indexes.

Section 5-Story Scoring, scores the two spontaneous sub tests. Sub test 6 and 7 cannot be scored unless they are greater than 40 words.

Section 6-Administration Conditions, testing environment and any information that may have affected the test results.

Section 7-Interpretations and Recommendations, notes, observations and suggestions the examiner might have.

Provides Normative Scores

  • Age and Grade Equivalent- derived by calculating the average normative group raw score at each age interval and grade level. Using Appendix D the sub test raw score are converted to age and grade equivalents.

Normative scores cont...

  • Percentile Rank- value on a scale of 100, shows performance that it equal to or below the value.

Normative Score cont...

  • Composite Indexes- Generate three indexes: contrived writing, spontaneous writing and overall writing, all of which estimate general writing ability. These three indexes are the most useful scores on the TOWL-4 because they are the most reliable and valid scores on the test.

Normative Scores cont...

  • Age and Grade Based Subtest Scaled Score- scaled scores are used to determine descriptive terms such as very poor, poor, below average, average, above average, superior and very superior.

Scores can be used for progress monitoring, identifying strengths and weakness (to adjust instruction), justify placement and to help qualify for remedial services.

Other items that may contribute information to the assessment are student work samples such as journals, story boards and free writes.


Photo by Klardrommar