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Eastern Religions

By: Stephanie G. Zaragoza


Basic Beliefs

  • No single founder
  • No single sacred text
  • Countless gods and goddesses, also many worships

Polytheistic v. Monotheistic

  • Hinduism is polytheistic, believing in many gods
  • They know god is one, but they know god by many names
  • Some Hindus are monotheistic
Photo by Ranil

Sacred Text

  • Hindus teachings were recorded in them
  • Spells out many ethical ideas towards Hiduism
Photo by Jo Naylor

Goal of Life

  • Atman, the persons' essential self
  • Union with Brahman, or Moksha, was an ultimate goal
  • Reincarnation helps to achieve Moksha


  • Believed a way to get closer to Moksha
  • People who live virtuously earn good kharma, not like the ones who acquire bad
  • All actions done in the lifetime reflects to their fate


  • A way to escape the wheel of fate
  • Vary from class, occupation, gender, and age
  • Religious and moral duties of an individual
Photo by rahuldlucca


  • Rebirth of the soul in another bodily form
  • Through several lifetimes Moksha could be achieved


  • Union with Brahman
  • Free one with selfish desires
Photo by Sudhamshu


  • Nonviolence
  • Hindus believed people and things are aspects Brahman therefore needed to be respected


Photo by --Filippo--

Siddhartha Guatama

  • Founder of the new religion
  • Important Buddah
  • He was known to be the enlightened one
Photo by VinothChandar

Early Life

  • Born about 566 B.C. to a high caste family
  • Dreams led to a prophet that he would be a wandering holy man
  • He was married and had a son
Photo by Henry Hemming

The Search

  • Saw three types of people: sick, old, and dead
  • He was aware of human suffering
  • For 48 days he meditated, making evil attempt to make him give up
Photo by Jeffrey Beall

Four Noble Truths

  • What the Buddha learned from his research
  • Life was about suffering, pain, and sorrow; because of selfish desires
  • Overcome desires are the cure, and to follow the Eightfold Path
Photo by epSos.de

Eightfold Path

  • Middle way between life devoted to pleasure
  • One base on harsh self denial
  • The right way to live and stop suffering


  • The Buddha preached his first sermon at Sarnath
  • Spread through Ceylon, Burma, Nepal, Tibet, central Asia, China, and Japan
Photo by Wonderlane

Sacred Text

  • Is a collection of all the teachings of the Buddha in the Theravada tradition
  • Also called Tripitaka

Two Major Sects of Buddhism

  • Theravada (The school of the Elders)
  • Mahayana (The Great Vehicle) are the two main branches


Photo by David G Mills

Life of Confucius

  • Confucius was an infamous Chinese thinker and educator
  • He was the founder of the Ru School of Chinese

A Philosophy v. A Religion

  • Characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion
  • But can be debatable to be a religion
Photo by zpeckler

Five Relationships

  • Ruler and subject
  • Father and son
  • Elder brother and younger brother
  • Husband and wife
  • Friend and friend
Photo by ecstaticist

Filial Piety

  • Virtue of respect for one's father, elders, and ancestors

Confucianism and Government

  • Confucianism is a way of life taught by Confucius in the 6th–5th century BC
  • Basic order in the universe and a natural harmony linking man, nature, and the cosmos (heaven)
Photo by Franco Folini

Spread of Confucianism

  • From China to Korea, Japan, and Vietnam
  • It was spread in a "soft power" way through significant Chinese influence at the time
Photo by Pondspider