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sea turtle

Published on Nov 18, 2015

ocean projects


sea turtles

by April Scott

animal enviroment


what do they eat

  • Jelly Fish
  • Urchins
  • Mollusks
  • Shrimp
  • Squids and plants

what animals eat turtles


how do they travel


what part of the world do they live in

they live where there is warm water oceans

is a


special facts

  • Kemp Ridley is the smallest sea turtle 
  • green sea turtles can stay under water for 5hrs
  • life span 80 years
  • they were alive when dinosaurs were alive
  • they have around 70-190 eggs 

do they take care of there babies

no they leave them after they have them

how do they have babies

they do the dirty and lay there eggs on a shore