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Haikudeck on a hobby Assignment

Published on Jan 13, 2016

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MY Hobby


Instruments I Play

  • Piano
  • Guitar


Photo by Javi S&M

The name ‘piano’ is actually a nickname for the full Italian name of the instrument, which is ‘pianoforte’.

Photo by tunachilli

There are 7,500 working parts in the body of each piano.

There are 230 strings required for a piano to make its full range of sound.

Photo by kevin dooley

There are 18 million non-professional piano players in the United States alone, and over 10 million pianos!

1 = 1 Million

Players = non-professional piano players in the United States alone

Pianos = pianos in the United States

1 = 1 Million


The first electric guitar was created in 1931 by both George Beauchamp and Adolph Rikenbekerom.

While the most popular are the 6 and 12-string guitar, there are also lesser-knowns such as the 7 and 8-string guitar. The 7-string guitar is known as a gypsy.

In ancient times, the guitar was mentioned quite a few times before getting it’s final name. It was early referred to as: guitarra, gitarre, guitare, qitara, cithara, kithara, and sihtar.

Fender produces nearly 90,000 strings daily, which equates to about 20,000 miles of string per year. If laid end to end, this would be long enough to circle the globe!

There are roughly 50,000,000 guitar players in the world

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