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Eat Breakfast At Hershey Elementary School!

Published on Dec 07, 2015

introduction to what happens when you eat breakfast at school


Eat Breakfast At School!

Eating Breakfast Gives Your Brain Energy!


  • Anyone can eat breakfast at school.
  • Everyone should eat breakfast, either at school or at home.
  • Breakfast gives you energy and helps you to learn!
Photo by Peter Lewicki

What do we eat?

  • 1 entrée, Options change, Tuesday’s are hot meal days (scrambled eggs, cereal/yogurt, breakfast sandwiches, breakfast bars, pancakes/French toast sticks)
  • 1 milk or water
  • 1 fruit or fruit juice
  • Breakfast choices change each day.
  • Total items: 3 (If you choose cereal you also get yogurt for protein, total items is 4)
Photo by jamalfanaian

I'm Interested. What do I do?

  • Talk to an adult at home.
  • Ask your teacher for help in getting permission from home.
  • Sometimes parents like to make you breakfast at home.
Photo by USDAgov


  • I will come to breakfast promptly after telling my teacher I am here. (save jobs, ipad/computer time, unfinished homework & morning work for after breakfast).
  • I will use good manners & be kind to others.
  • I will use my time for eating (we have less time than lunch).
  • I will be respectful during the Star Spangled Banner/Pledge of Allegiance.
  • I will finish by 8:50 so I can start learning!
Photo by misterbisson


  • Come to school at 8:30. Try to be on time.
  • Tell your teacher 'I'm here'. Hang up your coat.
  • Walk directly to your cafeteria, no detours.
  • Quickly go through the line & select food.
  • Sit in designated area. Eat. You have about 10-15 minutes to eat--shorter than lunch.
  • Clean up, RECYCLE, & take the shortest path to your first class. Good hallway behavior please!