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Published on Feb 03, 2016

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Smoking is like breathing however it is very bad for you. To smoke you take either one pipe or one cigarette. For a cigarette you light one end and breath through the other end.

Photo by davic

to smoke a pipe you light the stuff in the whole and breath the smoke. There are much more ways of smoking that are even worse for you.


when you smoke you can get/catch all sorts of stuff such as: Emphysema. Emphysema is a diseases that you get when you smoke. It can cause death and when you do die you don't die fast. So it is quite painful.

Photo by Ikhlasul Amal


You can get lung cancer from smoking because when you smoke the fumes go into your lungs and then your lungs start to go grey and this can result in death.

Smoking can also: give you a bad breath and also it will make your car smell if you smoke while driving. So no one wants to buy your car if you want to sell it.

Smoking can also affect your looks. Your skin can get all wrinkly and people don't like to have wrinkles on their skin.

Photo by erix!

When you smoke your blood pressure rises sharply and so you heart starts to thump more wildly which can lead to a heart attack.

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