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I elastic

Published on Dec 22, 2015

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Photo by kightp

The situation in which the supply and demand for a good or service are unaffected when the price of that good or service changes.

Photo by kevin dooley

If the price of salt increased, demand would largely be unchanged. It is only a small % of income and people tend to buy infrequently. It is a good with no real substitutes at all.

Meaning that a 1% change in the price of a good or service has less than a 1% change on the quantity demanded or supplied.

Photo by Leo Reynolds

Bought very infrequently, diamonds are the ultimate luxury with few exact alternatives. You could buy other precious gems, but others may not have the same allure as diamonds. A cut in price wouldn’t increase demand very much.

The demand curve for a perfectly inelastic good as a vertical line, because the quantity demanded is the same at any price.

The Apple brand is so strong that many consumers will pay a premium for apple products. If the price rises for apple iPhone, many will continue to buy.

Photo by djwudi