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10 Essential Health Benefits of Peas – Reasons Why Peas Are Extremely Good For You And Your Body

Check out the full article here: http://servingjoy.com/health-benefits-of-peas/
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Health Benefits of Peas

Published on Nov 20, 2015

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Health Benefits of Peas

Reasons Why Peas Are Good For You
10 Essential Health Benefits of Peas – Reasons Why Peas Are Extremely Good For You And Your Body

Check out the full article here: http://servingjoy.com/health-benefits-of-peas/
Photo by Chiot's Run

1. Improves Heart Condition

  • Great sources of fiber, lutein, and lycopene
  • Decreases LDL cholesterol and boosts development of HDL cholesterol

2. Regulates Blood sugar

  • Maintain normal blood sugar levels in the body
  • Aids the pacing of digestion which regulates appropriate starch breakdown to sugar

3. Good for the Eyes

  • Protects the eyes on a cellular level through prevention of oxidation that can lead to ARMD and cataracts

4. Boosts your Energy

  • Rich in iron
  • Improves focus
  • Increase energy levels and protect yourself from risks of infection.

5. Helps in Weight Management

  • Regulates and improves digestion
  • Curbs appetite and boosts satiety
  • Prevents obesity

6. Prevents Stomach Cancer

  • One very special mineral that peas contain is Coumestrol which is a special and rare type of powerful polyphenol that specifically avoids stomach cancer.

7. Healthier Bones

  • High in Vitamin K
  • Prevents age-related bone issues such as osteoporosis

8. Contains Anti-Inflammatory Properties

  • Peas contain flavanoids, carotenoids, phenolic acids, and polyphenols which are anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties.

9. Healthy for Pregnant Women

  • Peas have folic acid which stimulates cell DNA synthesis. During pregnancy, eating peas is essential to avoid defects in the neural tube of the baby.

10. Optimize Brain Functions

  • As we age, brain functions tend to deteriorate causing memory loss and possibility to have Alzheimer’s disease. Eating peas regularly is found to limit brain neuronal damage. It protects the you from age-related dysfunction in the brain.

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