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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Photo by Cyrus II

Betelgeuse was born like any other star, in a cluster of dust and gas, known as a Nebula. On the day he was born, his family knew he would be something special!

For most of Betel's childhood, he remained a puny star, stuck between a family of Red Giants.

School was hard for Betel, for kids would call him "dustball". He was one of the dimmest stars in his town.

Betelgeuse couldn't take anymore bullying. He wasn't going to settle for being a laughingstock. He began lifting space weights, to show everyone who's boss!

Photo by Gudlyf

Betel's constant exercising worked out, and he began to excel in all sports, and became a massive star. This caught the attention of Deneb, the school's pretentious jock. "Betel, I challenge you to a space weight competition!

The victory was astrono-shing! Betel benched 250K while Deneb was left abandoned in the galaxy.
It was an amazing day for Betelgeuse.
Today, Betelgeuse is Red Super Giant, boasting 3,500 Kelvin, and the title of THE 9th BRIGHTEST STAR IN THE NIGHT SKY!

The future of Betelgeuse is sure to be explosive, as he is soon to become a supernova! A supernova is an extremely bright explosion that can briefly outshine a galaxy!

People have speculated that due to Betel's larger than life personality, he will most likely become a black hole, rather than a tiny neutron star. While we may never know, Betelgeuse's legacy will always live on!
The End!