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The Great Depression

Published on Nov 26, 2015

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The Great Depression


Hooverville Shanty Town

  • Hooverville shanty towns were built by homeless people during the Great Depression. Shanty towns were a deprived area on the outskirts of town consisting of large numbers of dwellings. During the 1930's these shanty towns consisted of hundreds of thousands of homeless people.
  • These Hoovervilles were named after the president during the time of the Great Depression, Herbert Hoover. These towns were built by the people because Hoover and the government at that time did not provide help or render aid to those devastated by the Great depression.
  • Many people blamed Herbert for the harsh conditions people endured during the Great Depression.

Herbert Hoover

  • Herbert Hoover was America's 31st president during the times of the Great Depression.
  • Herbert feared government assistance would destroy his individualist ideals. As a result of this, Hoover purposely approached the Great Depression with less succesful policies.
  • Despite calls for greater assistance, Herbert refused to fund welfare programs, as he believed such assistance would reduce the American's incentive to work.
  • Efforts to battle municipal aid service burdens and American unemployment by Hoover included the Mexican Reparations program and the Smoot-Hawley Tariff.
  • The Mexican Reparations program resulted in the forced migration of over 500,000 Mexican Americans to Mexico.
  • The Smoot-Hawley Tariff raised the tariff on thousands of imported items as a failed effort to encourage the purchase of American-made goods and raise federal revenue.

Franklin D. Roosevelt

  • Made a positive impact by helping people regain faith after the tragedy of the Great Depression.
  • "The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.
  • Overall helped lessen the worst affects of the Great Depression
  • The only chief executive to be elected to more than two terms in office
  • Shomop.com

Life during the Great Depression

  • In 1930, 2.25 million boys and girls ages 10-18 worked in factories, mines, and farms.
  • By 1932, nearly 30 million Americans has lost their jobs.
  • 7 million people starved to death.
  • History.stackexchange.com
  • Depts.washing.edu

Wall Street Crash

  • Also known as "Black Tuesday"
  • Most devestating stock market crash in history in the United States.
  • This devastating economic slump hit as investors traded 60 million shares on the New York Stock Exchange in a single day. Billions of dollars were lost hurting thousands of investors.
  • Government didn't do anything due to Hoover and his thought of people loosing individualism.
  • This Caused the 10 year Great Depression.
Photo by onohoku

Africa,Asia,Australia, Europe and North and South America all suffered from the economic slump in the Great Depression.