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In a 1:1 environment with Chromebooks, teachers sometime assume that everyone is now on the same playing field. In my experience there are still inequalities within the environment that are often overlooked.

Digital inequality refers to the gap between individuals regarding technology - including but not limited to internet access, device access, and knowledge on how to use all of that information.
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Digital Divide in a 1:1 Environment

Published on Nov 22, 2015

Does being 1:1 mean there is digital equality for students? There are still issues to tackle to keep narrowing the gap of digital inequality.


Does 1:1 mean equal?

In a 1:1 environment with Chromebooks, teachers sometime assume that everyone is now on the same playing field. In my experience there are still inequalities within the environment that are often overlooked.

Digital inequality refers to the gap between individuals regarding technology - including but not limited to internet access, device access, and knowledge on how to use all of that information.
Photo by vernieman

Untitled Slide

While this picture shows all the kids happy and excited holding their Chromebooks, there will still be those students who will still feel left out or behind.


There is an assumption that students who come from homes where internet access is available also have parental support and help available to them. It's important to remember that digital inequality also includes generational divide.
Photo by modernowl


Even in a 1:1 environment there are still situations where students will not have internet access at home or does not have help available to them at home.


The gap in digital inequality in a 1:1 environment is much smaller when teachers embrace technology and integrate it into their classrooms.

vs. THIS

However, there are still so many teachers who still do not embrace the digital world we live in and continue to use older techniques of delivering materials. This inequality creates a divide among students based on the type of teacher they have.


Adding a device to a classroom without proper implementation and leadership will not change the culture of a school.

Clear goals must be communicated prior to implementation.

Proper implementation

Creating a clear vision, modeling what is to be accomplished in the classroom, giving support to teachers, and ensuring that technology is seen a culture change, not just another new "thing" being thrown into the mix - administrators can set the tone to make a 1:1 environment a game changer in the world of digital inequality.

1:1 Computing
Closing the Gap, but Not the Silver Bullet

Being in a 1:1 computing environment definitely helps put students from all backgrounds on a more level playing field. However, there are still issues that arise that must be addressed.
From help and support at home from parents and internet access to proper implementation at a district level, 1:1 computing will not be the cure all answer to challenges of digital inequality.