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Published on Nov 24, 2015

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Slow Loris

Made By: Gabby Schnepf

What are loris's

  • A loris is a small, slow moving mammal that is also a nocturnal primate.

Where They live

  • They live in Southern Asia, Western Indonesia, India, China, and many other places.


  • They can be grey, brown, yellow, red, silver, or golden.


  • The family of the slow loris is called the Lorisidae family.
  • It is a family of strepsirrhine primates that are all very slow.


  • In Southern Asia Slow Loris remains are used to be buried under houses and roads for good luck and they are used to make medicine to possibly cure cancer and to do other things.

That's what I learned about lorises!
I hope you learned something to!
Thanks For Reading!
The End!!!

Photo by i.am.leon