The Earth's Magnetosphere!!!
The Fact About the Poles.
- The North Pole has a small(compared to all the other planets) negative charge
- The South has a positive charge, like the North, quite small.
The poles negative and positive charge stretches out to find the other missing component. And that forms a shape relative to a doughnut.
The Solar Winds hit our weirdly shaped magnetic field and go over, under, all around us. and when they do hit and move over us, it makes a cone shape behind us...
In that cone is Plasma. And that is known as our plasma trail.
Earth's speed in orbit and rotation is different than the Sister Planets, Venus and Mars.
Venus is faster at its rotation around the Sun, but takes 243 Earth days to rotate on its axis. So there is no way for the solar winds to rush over it. So the magnetosphere is weak. Venus' field is -100,000 when Earth is 1.
Mars' on the other hand, rotates on its axis the same speed as Earth. But takes 686.93 Earth days to rotate the Sun. Which gives a slight sign of a magnetosphere. But really, really, REALLY small.
But the gravitational pull from the Earth weakens as well.
If you weigh 100 lbs on Earth, you will weigh 16.6 lbs on the Moon. 238,900 miles way and the weight difference is 83.4....
In Conclusion, the Earth's has the strongest Magnetosphere in the inner solar system, Sun not included. And our magnetic field is going to weaken a little in a few months due to the Sun's magnetic pole flip, but will go back to normal.