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Alcohol can be very addicting it can be in beer and used when your bleeding or mosquito bites.
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drugs and brain

Published on Dec 25, 2015

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Alcohol can be very addicting it can be in beer and used when your bleeding or mosquito bites.
Photo by anieto2k


tobacco is the same thing as nicotine there both in cigarettes cigars and many people chew on tobaco.
Photo by Pietro Zuco


stimulants is a tipe of drug that has marijuana, crocaine, tobaco, and much more drugs. It can also be very adicting


depressants is alcohol but in can also be in a pill its addicting either way you drink it or eat eat.


hallucinogenics is a type of drug that is called LSD. when you take LSD you see stuff that is not actually real and its very adicting.
Photo by id-iom


Marijuana is a drug that is made out of many plants. Marijuana is also in many different type of drugs like stimulants. it's also used in medicine to cure people when there sick.marijuana is not addicting.
Photo by eggrole


cocaine is a drug often found in white powder and is addicting it's also a legal in many countries.
Photo by Underpuppy


you use the cerebrum for your balance and movement for example gymnastics needs a lot of balance and movement.
Photo by biologycorner

right hemisphere

the right hemisphere controls the left side of your body and its the creative side.

left hemisphere

the left hemisphere helps you with the math science counting social studies its the smart side it also controls your right side of your body.
Photo by dantekgeek

limbic system

the limbic system is responsible for your heartbeat and blood pressure so if something happens to your limbic system you would die because your heart stopped.
Photo by Laura B. Dahl

brain stem

the brain stem is in charge of your dision making for example they invited you too two birthday party's but you have to chooses and the brain stem does it
Photo by Reigh LeBlanc


neurons are the nerve systems in your body..
Photo by thelunch_box


dendrites is the part of the neuron that receives messages from the neurons.


part of the neuron that sends messages
Photo by TheJCB


space between dendrites and a axon


chemical that allows neurons to send messages.

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