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A period in which philosophers challenged traditional belief and thought for themselves.It later inspired American colonies to break away from the British rule.

Separation of Powers:
The power of the government being split into three branches so that one doesn't gain too much power. This idea was later adopted by our American government and is used today.

French and Indian War:
A seven year war fought by the French who were aided by the Indians versus the British with aid of the American colonists. This caused the start of the American revolution due to the unfair treatment faced by the colonists.

Sons of Liberty:
A secret organization of men who opposed the Stamp Act and wanted to rid the American colonies of it and other acts. They influenced many other people to revolt against the British rule and some members became the president after America became independent.

American Revolution:
The war fought between the American colonies and British citizens in which the Americans fought for their country's independence from Britain's rule. This is the first time a colony overthrew their mother country which was inspiration for future revolutions and was also the war that gave us our freedom today.

Declaration of Independence:
America's justifications for breaking away from British rule. This document was inspired by John Locke's idea of natural rights which is the justification for why America was leaving.

Natural Rights:
The idea that every human is entitled to life, liberty and property which was written by John Locke. This idea of natural rights was included in the Declaration of Independence and is followed today in America.

Articles of Confederation:
Gave the states most of the power which weakened the central government.They were America's first attempt of laws and were replaced by the Constitution in 1788.

Great Compromise:
The issue of representation in Congress which caused its split.This caused Congress to break into two houses which are Senate and House of Representative.

A person who supported the Constitution and favored dividing power. They are who allowed our government to be split into three branches and also allowed us to have a president.

People who opposed the Constitution and thought a bill of rights should be included.They were the reason why the Bill of Rights was added to the Constitution.

Power is divided between the state and federal government.It balanced the power between states and the government which gave us a stronger central government.

Bill of Rights:
The first ten amendments of the Constitution.They give us our natural rights such as freedom of speech and religion.

Free Exercise Clause:
Citizens are permitted to practice their religion without interference from the government. This clause protects our freedom to practice any religion we want without being persecuted for it like the Mormons were.

Establishment Clause:
Congress can not establish a certain religion that all citizens must follow. This ensures that religion stays separate from the government.

Judicial Review:
The courts have the power to declare that a law is invalid and decide whether a decision made by the other branches is constitutional. This gives the courts some power and also ensures that the Constitution is followed.

Louisiana Purchase:
The Louisiana Territory was purchased by the United States from France. This gave us more land westward and also expanded the U.S. when the idea of manifest Destiny arose.

Monroe Doctrine:
It prohibited other countries from claiming land in the Americas. This allowed our country to claim the whole of Northern America and also assert our dominance as a country.

Trail of Tears:
The act of the Cherokee nation being forcefully moved to Oklahoma from their home east of the Mississippi river. This removal caused the population of the Cherokee to decrease due to the harsh elements faced during the journey.

the people who followed the church of The Latter Day Saints who were forced out of the U.S. due to the traditions followed in their religion. They caused Utah to be formed due to their desire to keep a large territory for themselves which the U.S. eventually cut up.

Manifest Destiny:
The belief that America should span to the Pacific. this belief caused the westward movement and also altered the American landscape.

Second Great Awakening:
The reform of religion in America during the 1800s. This movement caused other movements in America such as Women's rights, temperance and abolition.

The ban of slavery. This caused a divide between people because the south was very dependent on slavery so the ban of it would cause complications in their businesses.

Emancipation Proclamation:
The release of all slaves in states of war. This caused an increase in members on the unions side due to the slaves being freed.

The period after the Civil War that helped rebuild the south. It provided freed slaves with food, education, shelter and jobs.

13th Amendment:
It outlawed slavery in the United States. This made the south unhappy due to their loss of workers.

14th Amendment:
This amendment guaranteed freed slaves their citizenship. This gave African Americans basic rights they didn't have before such as the right to be educated.

15th Amendment:
This endured former slaves their right to vote. The south disenfranchised African Americans by creating poll taxes and a literacy test that they had to pass before they were allowed to vote.

Freedmen's Bureau:
This provided jobs, food, education and shelter for former slaves. It helped former slaves get back on their feet after being freed.

Poll Tax:
The tax that had to be paid before you were allowed to vote that was put forth by the south. This tax prevented most African Americans from voting.

Jim Crow:
Laws that segregated African Americans from Whites. This labeled everything either white or colored which made racism present but was still lawful because they were "separate but equal."

Lord Baltimore:
He founded Maryland for Catholic refugees. This caused the Toleration Act to be passed for toleration of Christians.

John Locke:
He created the idea of natural rights which are known as the right to life, liberty and property. This idea was later discovered by our Founding Fathers and were included in the Declaration of Independence.

Thomas Jefferson:
He was the author of the Declaration of Independence and also our third President. The Declaration of Independence allowed for America to break from British rule.

James Madison:
He is the main author of the Constitution. The Constitution is the blueprint to run the United States and has to be followed by all.

John Marshall:
He was the first person to use judicial review. This solidified the Supreme Courts ability to use judicial review.

Harriet Tubman:
An escaped slave who used her freedom to help many other slaves escape as well. She was able to save at least 200 slaves using the Underground Railroad.

Abraham Lincoln:
The president during the Civil War who abolished slavery. He freed all of the slaves and gave them rights which made them equal until racists whites took power.

Dred Scott v Stanford:
The case of a slave trying to sue for his freedom. This brought attention to the abolitionist movement.

Plessy v Ferguson:
The case that deemed segregation legal. It was justified by the phrase "separate but equal" and allowed for discrimination of African Americans.