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Published on Nov 19, 2015

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Rules to Live By in AP US History (and in Life)!

Say Please & Thank You

Photo by Hryck.

Eye Contact &
a Firm Handshake

Photo by Rob Unreall

Play Nice & Work Hard

Photo by bgolub

You can never be over-dressed or over-educated.

Photo by Brian Rendel

Knowledge is better
with Wisdom.

Read good books-
especially history ones!

Don't Quit your Daydreams!

Photo by Luptor

Do Something Amazing.

Listen, Learn, &
Learn to Listen

Treat each other with
dignity & respect.

Life isn't Burger King.
You can't always
have it your way.

Photo by 【J】

Trash goes in the trashcan.

Photo by _Davo_

Will it be easy? Nope.
Will it be worth it?

Photo by smbuckley23