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Which direction do you run when you see the storm coming....towards God or away from him? The answer to that question reveals alot about your trust in God.....

Hebrews 3:7-19

Published on Nov 18, 2015

Preview for tomorrow morning


On the Run?

Which way?
Which direction do you run when you see the storm coming....towards God or away from him? The answer to that question reveals alot about your trust in God.....

Hebrews 3:7-19

Who do you run to?
Photo by WELS.net

There was no water

Numbers 20:1-13
Of course God brought them out of the land of bondage, Egypt mirculously helped them across the red sea as just the beginning of his faithfulness...

But no...they blamed the leaders for leading and God for guiding them....

to a place of no water and no food, just so they could die out there

Moses and Arron go the Lord God says speak to the rock

Moses hits it twice in faithless frustration

Yet God fulfills his promise to deliver even though both the Israleite people and their leaders Moses and Aaron acted out of a lack of trust in God

This faithless quarrel with God becomes one of the most referred to human failures in Scripture....

One we can learn to avoid

Listen to the holy spirit

He speaks through the Scriptures
1. The Holy Spirit speaks - present tense - to us today through the Holy Scriptures

2. Listen - oppostie of ignore

3. Start today - As one scholar reminds us...Tomorrow is when lazy men work and fools repent. Satan does not care what commitments you make as long as you start them....tomorrow

Know the signs

there are at least 11 in this passage
1. Quarreling with God

2. hardening of heart

3. rebellion

4. challenge God's ability

5. question God's character

6. straying hearts

7. refuse to know (get close enough to) God's ways

8. sinful - misses God's target - vs. 12

9. unbelieving - absence of faith or trust in God vs 12, 19

10. turns away fro theliving God to choose a dead one instead

11. disobedience - vs. 18
Photo by monkeyc.net

Penalty box

For a rebellious heart

Places you can't enter

Wandering around

quarreling spirit

No rest

isolation in the "desert"

ultimately death with an unsettled heart
Photo by clydeorama


Photo by mag3737

Encourage one another

See to it!
1. We are commanded to make sure this thing called ecnouragement happens regularly

2. Come alongside each other as a matter of habit, part of our lifestyle, while we have the chance

3. Keeps us open to the Spirit's workin our lives - hardening vs. 13

4. protects us from believing that sin can actually deliver on what it offers - sin's decietfulness

5. refreshes our memories about what we share together in Christ vs 14

5. restores the excitement we had in the Lord when we first started, before the difficulties of life,

As Jesus reminds us in John 16:33

Photo by tanya_little

YOu will have trouble

In this world
Photo by cascade hiker

Be of Good Cheer!

I have overcome the world  Jn 16:33


What do you need to do?
1. repent of a rebellious heart?

2. Make a poin to encourage someone today
Photo by Mark

Michael Cadrette

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