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Characteristic of the Ungodly
Not the case with us Church: The natural has led us to the name of Christ
Nor were thankful: Man's simple ingratitude against God is shocking. "I cannot say anything much worse of a man than that he is not thankful to those who have been his benefactors; and when you say that he is not thankful to God, you have said about the worst thing you can say of him." (Spurgeon)
A godly preacher, finding that all that there was for dinner was a potato and a herring, thanked God that he had ransacked sea and land to find food for his children. Such a sweet spirit breeds love to everybody, and makes a man go through the world cheerfully." (Spurgeon)
Those that have called upon the name of Jesus/live thankfully
For you have been delivered from wrath to come/I Thess 1:10/Because of Jesus Christ/Truth that HE bore our sin!
The anger of God toward my sin has been held off by Christ/when the dam of that wrath breaks forth/when the full bowl of wrath comes forward/worse than the flood/worse than S & G
worse than plagues and pestilence have even been/when wrath comes forward
I am safe
i am sealed
i am saved
i am shut in
I am secretly hidden
I am shown grace
i am set apart
i am certain that this will not separate me from the Love of Christ!
And then with His final words on the cross Jesus said three most beautiful words because beauty happens in threes/just as sorrow and death usually occurs in threes/Beauty
Jesus both bore our sin and bore it to the end/because no man could ever bear his sin to the end/for only the perfect Son of God can overcome the imperfect and infinite sin of man!
Is 53:11 says God shall see the fruit of the travail of his soul (meaning the suffering servant) and be satisfied!
God who sees sin each day and hates it/Ps 7:11 Also saw the travail, the sacrifice, the suffering Son on the cross and is satisfied that sin and those that trust Christ by faith, live in thankfulness and gratefulness and honoring toward the Lord who