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Benjamin bennaker

Published on Mar 20, 2016

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by Ulysses brown

Photo by _Hadock_


  • Date of Birth: November 9 1731 Birthplace: Ellicott City in Maryland
Photo by scott1346

What is he famous for

  • Benjamin contributed as an astronomer, surveryor, and almanac author, in addition to mathematicion

early life

  • Benjamin was a free slave and owned farm near Baltimore he was a slef taught astronomer.
  • He became an active writer of almanacs and was appointed by President George Washington to the District of Columbia Commission.
Photo by keeva999

mathmatics and Astronomy

  • Banneker's interest in mathematics began at an early age when he used his knowledge to build a clock that struck hourly.
  • Later in life he took a strong interest in anstronomy, and was able to perform complex calculations that predicted solar and lunar eclipses. He kept his information in a Number of journals that also included many advanced mathematical calculations.
Photo by Ennev


  • Benjamin was taught to read by his white grandmother, Molly, and for a short time attended a small Quaker school. Banneker was self-educated, His early exploits included constructing a wooden clock in his early twenties. Banneker's talents and intelligence eventually came to the attention of the Ellicott brothers .In 1791 Banneker teamed up with Major Andrew Ellicott, an American surveyor, to map out a new national capital.
Photo by Andrew Czap


  • Benjamin Banneker died in Baltimore, Maryland, on October 25, 1806. He was buried at the family burial ground near his house.
Photo by ecstaticist

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how has he inspired me

  • Being self taught can get you anywhere and you be successful depending on how much you try.
  • Also to try harder in math.
Photo by Enokson