Where are you from? Where are you going?

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Where are you from? Where are you going?

L.O. To explore the importance of place in two poems.
Photo by skoeber

Where do YOU come from?

"honest river"

slow, watchful circle, as if I were a superstition

Photo by Fey Ilyas

"dregs of her imagination'

Photo by Mr Boz

"spliced into bars"

Task: "Where are you from?' has more meaning than some people realise. How does Jackie Kay show us this?

Photo by raphaelstrada

Where are you GOING?

"Narrow and grey"

"Sweet scented jasmine"

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What do you think the "lesson' is in Patten's "Geography Lesson"?

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Plenary: Find THREE things that these poems have in common

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Miss Adamson

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