I was sleeping , when I was awoken by a noise in my neighbors home, I looked out my window to see an angle whispering in a young girls ear, I'm not sure what he said. I was slightly frightened. But for some reason I felt almost safer with him there.
I'm tired and hungry after the long journey.We finally arrive to see my cousin.When I see her she is also pregnant. I embrace her with a tight hug.My stomach leaps! It's was as if the child knew where he was. I have never been so happy.☺️
After a long day a of work, I quickly fell asleep. I then saw a beautiful angel , he was trying to tell me something. He said I have nothing to worry and that Mary was going to bare The Lord, their savior, he told me to protect them and be his earthly father.
My feet were blistered and sore. Mary was hungry and tired. We were almost to Bethlehem. We prayed to God for help during this hard journey. We stopped for breaks. Our donkey was strong and had stamina to carry the mother of God. I have never been so tired,but my job is to protect and love Mary and Jesus, and this is only the first step of my fatherhood
Joseph didn't let go of my hand the entire time.Then in a moment Jesus was born , our savior. We placed him in a manger and rapped him the only cloth we had, our king sleeps among the most humble and poor, he has come for all.