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Published on Dec 01, 2015

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“Every instructor assumes that you have nothing else to do except study for that instructor's course.” Anonymous
Photo by Sharath.

There are many benefits to students who use study groups. Venable (2010), mentions one important aspect of a study group is to compare lecture notes. A student might have missed an important thought from a professor, but their study partner was able to share the lost note with the student. Study groups also help students to learn different methods of studying. Some students simply need to learn how to study and study groups can provide the opportunity for students to learn some techniques and tips from each other.

As our digital classrooms increase, students are forced to either work completely alone or reach out to another student virtually in order to form a study group or partnership with another student in their class. Most online schools provide a space or place for students in a similar class to work together. Ashford provides the café in every class. I think this is a great location to bounce ideas off each other; however, the space is not private and does not allow students to be a free as might be needed. There are tons of web 2.0 tools available that students can use to create study groups.

Required readings

Photo by Valentina_A

Article 1: This article focuses on live collaboration in the online setting. While reading, please note the effectiveness of the program as it is compared to the instructor’s understanding of the software.

Photo by samgrover


Photo by VinothChandar


Please see my "Meet Your Instructor" for more information about me!

Discussion 1: You have two options for this discussion. Either refer to an online synchronous experience or a phone call or a text and analyze the experience using Bower’s 4 competencies.

Photo by R23W

Journal: For this journal, you are now determining what level of competency you label yourself within the example you used in your discussion.


You are working in GROUPS!

I will post your group members by Wednesday. You will work with this group throughout this class. I will add a discussion section under MEET YOUR INSTRUCTOR that only YOUR group will have access to. This is where your group can communicate with ME or with EACH OTHER until you have determined what wiki you will use. Once you have determined the wiki, all communication between group members will take place at that location. The discussion board in the class will then be used to communicate any concerns with ME. Be sure to post a link to your wiki in this location and to give me access to your wiki.

Note that each member of the group will submit the SAME assignment, with the exception of the individual evidence of contribution.

Photo by VinothChandar

With your assignment, be sure you complete the following:

• Chooses Wiki, Justifies the Choice of Wiki, and Why It is Best Suited to Meet the Group’s Needs

• Selects a Topic, Explains How Each Group Member’s Individual Interests Contributed to the Selection of the Topic

• Provides Evidence of Personal Contributions to the Group’s Collaborative Work Within the Wiki

• Critical Thinking: Influence of Context and Assumptions

Photo by Ian Sane

As a reminder, the format for this assignment is the choice of your group, but please keep in mind the following requirements based on your chosen format:

• Narrated presentation: two minutes

• Video: two minutes

• Slide presentation (without audio): five slides

• Written manuscript: three pages (not including title and reference pages)

Photo by ZapTheDingbat


Photo by toddwendy


Ubell, R. (Ed.) (2010). Virtual teamwork: Mastering the art and practice
of online learning and corporate collaboration. New York: Wiley.

Venable, M. (2010) The Benefit of Study Groups. Compare Online College
Options - Top Online College Guide. Retrieved February 11, 2012, from http://www.onlinecollege.org/2010/11/07/the-benefit-of-study-groups/