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Ancient China

Published on Nov 18, 2015

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Fuedal China

What are the major contributions of medieval China?

Source 1:
Hoes, Plows, jewlery, and food

Photo by possumgirl2

Source 2:
Paper making, gun powder, printing, compass, great and amazing art, and the Great Wall of China

Source 3:
Iron plow, gun powder, paper money

Photo by Nrbelex

How did the geography affect the development of the Chinese civilization?

Source 1:Textbook
Mountains and large rivers,
North, South, and West were terrible farming areas. The east was the best because of its soil

Sources 2: Notes
The Yellow river and the Yangtze River
The Alps mountains

Photo by Kay Gaensler

Source 3: Google
The soil in the east was rich which was perfect for farming

Photo by aunullah

What social hierarchy of Fuedal China look like?

Photo by Travis S.

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