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The Revolver

Published on Nov 21, 2015

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The Revolver

Photo by JohnGWolf

What is a revolver and whats it purpose

A revolver is a repeating firearm that has a revolving cylinder containing multiple chambers and at least one barrel for firing. The term "revolver" refers to a handgun, but other weapons may also have a revolving chamber.

Who, Where, When

Samuel Colt invented the revolver.
Hartford, Connecticut is where is was made
the revolver was made in 1836.

Positive Impact

The Colt Revolver was the first true multi-shot pistol to be accepted into modern culture. Not only was it revolutionary in its design, it allowed for westward expansion in America. The two most important impacts of the Colt Revolver was its ability to allow the expansion of the American west as well as the introduction of the concept of a multi-shot firearm into the culture of America. Not only did the Colt Revolver aid in the protection of pioneers in the west, it became an important tool for the military.

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he affected how war was actually fought. Colt firearms have been the sidearm of choice through much of American military history, ranging from the Colt Model 1860′s use through the Civil War to the Colt Model 1911A1 in World War II[2]. As a testament to Colt’s simple yet effective design, Colt Revolvers are still used today, ranging from private use to security forces. War and life as we know it could be very different if it wasn’t for Samuel Colt.

Negitave Impact


Main users
The main users were
private citizens
Crooks- Gangs

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Sam Colt receives a patent for his revolver in the United States.
- That enabled a gun to be fired multiple times without reloading

1836 Britain has been emancipating slaves in its Cape Colony. Boers in the colony dislike it. From 10,000 to 14,000 Boers begin their Great Trek away from British rule and toward new lands to occupy.

1836 Pope Gregory XVI bans railways in his Papal States, calling them "ways of the devil."

1836 Anglo Texans are defeated at the Alamo. They declare Texas independent and go on to defeat Mexico's military forces
Photo by simononly

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Colt founded a company to manufacture his revolving-cylinder pistol; however, sales were slow and the business floundered
In 1855, Colt opened what was the world’s largest private armament factory, in which he employed advanced manufacturing techniques such as interchangeable parts and an organized production line

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This Is Hartford, Connecticut Were the revolver was invented.