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Democracy Develops in England

Published on Dec 04, 2015

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Democracy Develops in England

Sarah Landry Pe:3 10-13-14
Photo by vgm8383

A type of Government with only one person in charge

Divine Right:
Allowed Kings to do whatever they wanted without giving an explanation

Magna Carta:
A document King John was forced to sign that put limits on a Monarchs power

Photo by Fristle

Glorious Revolution: showed Parliament had the right to limit the power of the monarch

England's law making body

Common Law:
Made up of customs and principles established over time

Democratic Protections:
Allow free speech and no taxation without consent of Parliament

Photo by 401(K) 2013

Constitutional Monarchy:
A rulers powers are controlled by a constitution

Photo by billsoPHOTO

The economic and political system of the Middle Ages

Photo by vgm8383

The Black Death:
Also known as The Black Plague. A disease that killed tons of people in the Middle Ages