Koolaupoko Blue Zone Project
Inconvenience Yourself
- walk when you could drive.
- take the stairs
- use a rake
- add more activity to your life
Keep moving
- list physical activities you enjoy.
- Build those activities into your lifestyle
- Make them routine.
- Its free.
- Its convenient.
- Get a walking buddy even if it is a dog.
- Do it every day.
Food volume is only half the answer. The other half is calories. Eat low calorie food.
Serve and store. People who serve the food and store the leftovers before eating eat less.
Make food look bigger.
Use smaller plates and tall skinny glasses. A quarter pounder with tomato, lettuce and onion is just as satisfying a half pounder bare.
Buy in bulk, but store in small servings.
People tend to eat what is served them.
Weigh yourself dailey
People who do, loose weight.
People who don't, gain.
Know what is happening to you.
Focus on your food.
Don't eat on the run.
Eat slowly and enjoy your food.
Beans, whole grains and garden vegetables are the cornerstone of longevity diets.
Long lived societies have drinks with friends, but in moderation.
Know why you get up in the morning.
Purpose may be a simple as wanting to see the grandkids grow up well.
Purpose can come from a job or a hobby, especially if you can immerse yourself completely in your mission.
Write your mission statement.
Share your mission with someone who will support you.
Learn to be expert.
Slowing down adds much to life. It gives us time for family, for enjoying our meals, for considering our spirituality, for learning new things.
"Life is short. Don't run so fast you miss it."
Raffaella Monne
When things start coming at you to fast, pray.
Prayer can give you serenity to deal with life.
You become who you associate with. Choose your friends wisely.
Associate with positive people who share your values and your goals.
Consider living in a smaller home.
Big homes make it easier for family members to isolate themselves.
If you live in a big house, make it a point for family to gather in one room daily.
Do things as a family.
Establish family traditions.
Know your roots and share your roots with family.
Invest time with you children, your spouse and your parents.
Work hard to strengthen your relationships with others.
Identify you inner circle.
Know who contributes to your positive living.
Know who you can depend on for help.
Work at maintaining friendships.
Do things together.
Go to the beach
Have lunch together
Have a Bar-B-Que
Join groups that do what you like to do.
Friends move away.
It takes special effort to stay in touch.
Use modern communications to maintain your friendships, but don't forget the old fashioned letter.
Building strong friendships takes time and effort, but it is an effort that pays off in quality of life, yours and theirs.
A quality Life is many things.
- A low fat die
- Be Socially Connected
- Rest, take a nap
- Herbal Teas and Grape Juice with friends.
- Spirituality
- Low Stress
- Integrate them into your life.
In the end, it is up to you.
You can live a shorter life with more years of disability, or you can live the longest possible life with fewest bad years.