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A World Without Borders

Published on Mar 16, 2016

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A World Without Borders

By: Erin Dempsey

China enacted the policy that consisted of allowing only one child in each family. This still allowed for population growth, but at a markedly slower rate than before. This policy was passed by the government in the 1970s and has been successful in keeping China’s population at a sustainable growth rate. Some unintended consequences of China’s population policies include forced abortions, involuntary sterilizations, and an unbalanced sex ratio. The dowry system is the payment in cash or some kind of gifts given to a bridegroom's family along with the bride. Usually the include cash, jewelry, electrical appliances, furniture, bedding, crockery, utensils and other household items that help the newlywed set up her home.

Both Indira Gandhi and Benazir Bhutto were prominent female politicians/figures that elevated the status of women in the world. They both led India and Pakistan as successful politicians, and rose many other women into power in the political world of these countries. She was placed under house arrest and created a new political institution known as the gateside meeting, because she spoke to her followers from behind the gates of her home. She wanted to start a non violent revolution. “Woman hold up half the sky” was said by Mao Zedong and this opened the eyes of many in South Asia. Womens began to get rights and this allowed this to become leaders. They started taking over impressive leadership positions. They became high visible leadership figures in South Asia.

The World’s population increased in the 20th century because of advancements in industry, agriculture, industry, science, medicine, and social organization. The Club of Rome which was comprised of international economists and scientists attempted to specify the limits of both economic and population growth in relation to the capacity of the planet to support them. As the world's population has increased it had had many impacts on the environment. Pollution levels had greatly increased in response to the increase of population and animal habitats and species greatly decreased.