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Published on Dec 13, 2016

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Enlightenment: A philosophical and cultural movement in Europe in the 1700’s.

French and Indian War: A 7 year war between Britain and France. Britain wanted America's land and so did the French.

Bill of Rights:The first ten amendments for the U.S. Constitution. They helped start the Constitution.

Sons of Liberty: In 1765 they began an agitation against the Stamp Act. They were against paying taxes.

American Revolution: When the thirteen colonies rejected the British monarchy. It contributed to Americas Independence.

The Louisiana Purchase:When Jefferson bought territory from France in 1803. He made Louisiana a part of the U.S.

The Great Compromise:How the delegates were trying to figure out how each state would be represented in congress.

The Declaration of Independence:How America represented themselves as thirteen independent states and broke away from Britain. This is how America had gotten their Independence.

Natural Rights:Life, Liberty, and Property. John Locke gave Americans natural rights as soon as they're born.

Judicial Review:The branches review the law before it could be passed.This makes sure that the laws are allowed by the Constitution.

Trail of Tears:Indians were forced to give up land and migrate to what is now present day Oklahoma. European immigrants took their land.

Monroe Doctrine:Europe wasn’t allowed to take land from America anymore because of this doctrine.

13th Amendment:This amendment abolished slavery. This ended slavery in the U.S. thanks to Abraham Lincoln.

14th Amendment:Everyone born or neutralized in the U.S. has citizenship.

15th Amendment:African American men had the right to vote.

Thomas Jefferson:The author of the Declaration of Independence. Also the 3rd President of the U.S.

Abraham Lincoln: 16th President of the U.S. also banned slavery.

James Madison: 4th President of the U.S.

Jim Crow: Series of rigid anti-black laws.

Manifest Destiny:People came to America for Land. Europeans came to America for land to settle in.

Separation of Powers: Creating three separate powers(branches). Legislative, Executive, and Judicial.

Articles of Confederation: America's first constitution.

Federalists: Controlled the Government until 1801.

Anti-Federalist: They opposed ratification of the Constitution.

Federalism: The federal system of government.

Photo by ajagendorf25

Free Exercise Clause: Part of the first amendment. The government can't make any laws respecting an establishment of religion.

Photo by Josh Kenzer

Establishment Clause: Limits U.S. Congress from passing legislation respecting an establishment of religion.

Photo by kevin dooley

Mormons: A religious and cultural group. They were part of the Manifest Destiny.

The Second Great Awakening: A protest in the U.S. during the early 19th century.

Photo by www78

Abolition: The act of abolishing something. It abolished slavery.

Emancipation Proclamation: Banned slavery in parts of the U.S. that rebelled.

Photo by sjsharktank

Reconstruction: A time after the Civil War, when the U.S. brought back the rebelling states into America.

Freedmen's Bureau: A place that helped black slaves hide and get to Florida.

Photo by aftab.

Poll Taxes. Black men had to pay taxes to vote.

Photo by Vox Efx

John Locke: An English Philosopher that influenced the Enlightenment.

Photo by tom clearwood

Lord Baltimore: Governor of Maryland.

John Marshall: His opinions helped lay the basics of the Constitution.

Photo by Marc Tomik

Harriet Tubman: Escaped slavery and helped over 200 people get to freedom.

Photo by eriksens

Dred Scott vs Stanford: Dred Scott sued for his rights.

Photo by stepnout

Plessy v Ferguson: Racial segregation "Separate but equal."